At 3:30p.m., the Red Phalarope along with 31 Hudsonian Godwit were still present at Shirley's Bay. I drove back home and picked Ben up after he finished school for the day. We arrived at Shirley's Bay and made our way out to the causeway. Ben needed Red Phalarope for a "lifer" and Hudsonian Godwit for his Ottawa list. He was not disappointed. Both were still there and we had great views. By 5:15pm the drizzle changed to rain but we decided to stay a bit longer and at 5:35pm had a flock of 100+ White-rumped Sandpipers fly by raising our total for the day to 200+ at Shirley's Bay!
Good Birding, Bruce
Directions: Shirley's Bay: From Ottawa take Hwy. 417 west to the Moodie Drive exit and turn north (right) on Moodie Drive and continue to Carling Ave. Turn left at Carling Ave. and follow Carling to Rifle Road. Turn right (north) on Rifle Rd. Park at the lot at the end (boat launch). Walk back to the road, and continue through the gate on the Department of National Defense property. There is a trail on your right (clearly marked with vehicle "No Entry" signs) which heads into the woods, and, eventually to the dyke. There is lots of POISON IVY along the dyke.
OFFICE BEFORE ENTERING THE DYKE AREA-- Call (613) 991-5740 and request permission to visit the dyke area for birding.

Part of the Hudsonian Godwit flock resting.
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