January 21, 2009Great Gray Owls are still being found at various locations in Eastern Ontario. Unfortunately, none have been staying around for too long. Yesterday, two were observed: one along Hwy. 60 between Madawaska and Barry's Bay at 5:15 pm, sitting on a hydro wire, while the other was observed along a ski trail east of Ottawa. Today there was one present along Thomas Dolan Parkway east of Dunrobin.
Here are some photos:

There were 3 Snowy Owls in the Kinburn area, one along Kinburn Side Road and two along Galetta Side road near Hwy. 417. Yesterday, my wife observed one in south Kanata along Fernbank Road, between Eagleson and Terry Fox Drive, one was sighted along Rideau Road near Ramsayville Road, and another behind the Ottawa Airport.
This Snowy owl was perched on a telephone pole for
almost a hour near Antrim. Even the snowplow didn't disturb it.The finch numbers continue to increase, today I observed 200+ Pine Grosbeaks in the Kinburn-Carp-Dunrobin area, and over 400+ Pine Siskin. Also there was a flock of 40+ Bohemian Waxwing along Rifle Road off Carling Ave.
Finch numbers continue to increase in Eastern Ontario.
Numerous flocks of Pine Grosbeaks were observed
around Dunrobin, Carp and near Antrim where there
was a flock of 150+.
A flock of 12 American Robin was a surprise near Dunrobin.
They were feeding on frozen wild grapes.If you require additional information, please email me privately.
Good birding,