Monday, September 9, 2013

September 7 and 8, 2013 Warbler watching at Britannia Conservation Area/Mud Lake

The warbler watching continues to be the highlight of Ottawa-Gatineau district birding over the weekend. A total of 23 species of the regular 24 species, missing only Mourning Warbler, were observed at the Britannia Conservation Area/Mudflat yesterday and today. Highlights included 1 very early Orange-crowned Warbler, both Canada and Wilson's Warbler, good numbers of Cape May, Tennessee, Nashville and Yellow-rumped Warblers. There were small numbers of Northern Parula, Black-throated Green, Blue-throated Blue and Pine Warblers.The Yellow Warbler was sighted a few times along the "ridge". The south bound  peak for this warbler is from mid July to the latter part of August. Other ones and two's included Ovenbird, Blackburnian Warbler and Northern Waterthrush.  Over the next few weeks the diversity and numbers of warblers will decline as the fall progresses. The Orange-crowned Warbler is a regular fall migrant and is usually observed in late September and early October. Over the years I found this warbler easier to find during the first 2 weeks of October since fewer warblers are present to confuse you!
Good birding,

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