On October 16, 2012 a Western Grebe was found by Jean Dubois off the boat launch just below Deschenes Rapids. The grebe was observed by a small number of birders before dark. The following day, October 17th, the grebe was observed by many. I arrived home on the evening of the 17th from Saskatoon after a week long tour looking for Whooping Cranes. On the morning of October 18th, I took my birding class to Deschenes Lookout. Viewing and lighting conditions were great and we quickly found the Western Grebe preening and bathing. All had great views! This is the same location that a Western Grebe was found last year on October 25th, also by Jean Dubois. The general consensus is that it may be the same individual. This sighting represents one of the few records for the Ottawa-Gatineau district and the first photographic record. The bird was still present today, October 19th, feeding and resting along the Quebec side of the Ottawa River. It does occasionally wander to the middle of the river entering Ontario waters. If you are hoping to record it for your Ontario list you will requires lots of patience!
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