Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 9-10, 2010 Birding Point Pelee

On Mother's Day morning I was surprised to see a dusting of snow on the ground and had to scrape the van window! Enroute to Point Pelee we did a quick check at Chaffeys Lock/Opinicon Road and had 1 Golden-winged and 1 Cerulean Warbler occasionally singing with the temperature at +1c and snow flakes felling to the ground. We continued on to Rondeau Provincial Park and had a few species of warblers and lots of activity at the feeders. We did a quick check at Bleinheim Sewage Lagoon and had great views of swallows lined up along the fence line.

An early morning start got to the tip of Pelee at 6:20a.m. Due to the strong winds on Saturday, the tip was almost gone compared to last week. The tip area quiet but after some searching we managed to find a few species of warblers including Cape May, Magnolia, Chestnut-sided and Black-throated Blue warbler. Along Woodland Trail we observed an immature Summer Tanager. The afternoon was spent checking a few trails at the north end of the park. While driving south towards Northwest Beach we ran into a traffic jam of cars, photographers and birders watching 2 Summer Tanagers feeding along the roadside vegetation. It was an amazing seen with the camera's outnumbering the binoculars. Our final tally for warblers for the day was 16 species. The weather forecast doesn't look to promising for tomorrow, with rain starting at 7:00a.m.!

A early morning dusting of snow in eastern Ontario on Mother's Day was a surprise for many!

With the vegetation out in full force at Point Pelee already except towards the tip, patients is required to find birds along with knowing birds songs!

Summer Tanagers caused a lot of excitement at Pt. Pelee. on May 10th with at least 3 different individuals. This species is a rare visitor to the park.

Photographers had great opportunities to photograph these birds.

Everyone had great views as the birds fed along the roadside vegetation.

Immature male in flight.

There was lots of discussion regarding the plumage's of Summer Tanagers.

A Common Nighthawk at a daytime roost site was a bonus for many birders and photographers.

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