The immature male Harlequin Duck was still present today, November 6th, as it spent most of the morning feeding in the fast moving waters north of Bate Island. I was able to view it from both Bate Island and from the Quebec shore line. The best viewing was from the Champlain Bridge where I took a number of photos as the duck would fly upstream, land, then drifted down stream and repeated this numerous times. At one point the Harlequin Duck landed with a group of Common Goldeneye and all the ducks began to preen as they floated in the calm water. In the Ottawa-Gatineau district the Harlequin Duck is a very rare late fall and early winter visitor. They occasionally overwinter and have stayed into April but most disappeared late winter. The first record for the Ottawa-Gatineau district was just down river from this site on November 20, 1971 at Berbuf Park. Below is a series of photos of the immature male in flight.
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