The birding on Amherst Island was again good today. We spent a bit of time in the “Owl Woods” and were successful in seeing 1 Boreal Owl, 4 Northern Saw-whet Owl and 6 Long-eared Owls. The feeder were active with lots of Black-capped Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Tree Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, House Finch, Hairy Woodpecker and a couple of Northern Cardinals. Along the Southshore Road the immature male Harlequin Duck was still feeding in a small group of Bufflehead. We walked out on the KFN property and had great views of two Snowy owls, one heavily barred individual and a slighter barred one which now bring the total to 3 on the KFN property over the past week. A surprise was a Short-eared Owl along the shoreline which flew up and began harassing a Rough-legged Hawk over the water for a few mintues. We later watched the same Short-eared Owl chasing a Herring Gull over the gravel point! Over last stop in the Kingston area was at the DuPont plant/Elevator Bay which had a large concentration of Redhead, Greater Scaup and Common Merganser totalling over 4000+ ducks. Other species of noted including Gadwall, Ring-necked duck, Hooded Merganser and Tundra Swans.

The road to the Owl Woods is still open but remember to park off the road. The parking is limited and if there is a snow fall with blowing snow the road we be closed due to drifting.

Please following the rules while birding in the woods. They are listed on the kiosk at the entrance.
Access to the KFN property is restricted to club members or those accompanied by a member.
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