Finished up birding in the south today with visits to Whitewater Lake W.M.A., Pelican Lake and Spruce Woods Provincial park area. Overall it was a good day birding. Our first visit was to Whitewater where we had 1 Great Egret, 12 White-faced Ibis and 6 California Gull from the parking lot. With high water levels we didn't see any migrant shorebirds. The drive in and out was very muddy and slippery. On Pelican Lake the highlight was a Clark's Grebe. There were over 100+ Western Grebe on the lake along with lots of Am. White Pelican, a large mixed flock of Redhead, Canvasback and Ruddy Ducks. At the marina there were 150+ gulls roosting with at least 3 California Gull. On the water 10+ Bonaparte's Gull and 30+ Black Terns were seen feeding. Our final stop before heading back to Winnipeg was in the Spruce Woods Provincial Park area. We observed 4 Lark Sparrow, 20+ Eastern Bluebird, and 1 Common Nighthawk. Tomorrow off to Churchill!

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