Sunday, August 9, 2009

Machias Seal Island August 8, 2009

We set off for Machias Seal Island at 7:00a.m. with Seawatch Tours. The boat ride was a little choppy but the birding was great! Before arriving at our destination we observed both Greater and Sooty Shearwater , 3 Manx Shearwater, and numerous Black-legged Kittiwake and our first distant views of Machias Seal Island. As we approahed the island, 100's puffins, razorbills, murres, and terns were feeding, flying or on the water. It was an amazing sight!

Approaching Machias Seal Island

An Atlantic Puffin flight.

A distant view of seabirds off Machias Seal Island.

Docking on the island.

Puffins were everywhere!

Even the blinds were covered with Puffins.

Heading to the blinds.

Once we were in the blinds, the birds settled down and the close-up photography was excellent!

A few Razorbills were still present on the island.

Only a few feet away.

Smile for the camera!

A Common Murre with breakfast.

It was an amazing morning.

All good things must come to an end as we head back to the main boat.

Sea Watch Tours Captain Peter Wilcox taking a group back to the "Days Catch".

Harbour Seals sun bathing.

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