Today, April 26th, we spent the day birding various sites along Hwy. 60 in Algonquin Park. The weather conditions changed considerably from yesterday with a cool low of 2c and occasional rain today. We managed to locate a male Spruce Grouse along Spruce Bog, 1 Boreal Chickadee at Tea Lake Dam and 1 Black-backed Woodpecker near KM 8. The highlight was a Sandhill Crane flying over Hwy. 60 calling and then landing in a marsh along the highway between KM 23 and KM 24.
Sandhill Crane flying over, calling along Hwy.60 in Algonquin Park.
We were lucky to have the Sandhill Crane land beside the highway and have a great view! [Photo: Ben Di Labio]
Despite the rainy, cool weather, the male Spruce Grouse put on a great display! [Photo: Ben Di Labio]
Other birds of note included 1 Savannah Sparrow at the Old Airfield and 1 Blue-headed Vireo at Tea Lake Dam.
Good birding,
Directions: [Courtesy of Ron Tozer]
Algonquin Park is three hours north of Toronto, via Highways 400, 11 and 60. Follow the signs, which start in Toronto on Highway 400. From Ottawa, take Highway 17 to Renfrew, then follow Highway 60 to the park. Kilometre markers along Highway 60 in the Park go from the West Gate (km 0) to the East Gate (km 56). Get your park permit and the park tabloid (with a map of birding locations mentioned here) at the gates.
The Visitor Centre at km 43 has recent bird sightings and information. The centre is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm starting this weekend.
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