Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 7,2015 Bullock's Oriole update 2

Hi Ontbirders and others,

Since the discovery of the Bullock’s Oriole over 200 birders and photographers have viewed this rarity, respecting its space in its unfamiliar environment . Unfortunately over the past few days the situation has changed with countless individuals situated too close to where the bird feeds thus harassing the bird.

With internet accessibility,  anyone can find out the location of a rare bird. Unfortunately there are individuals that aren't aware or choose to ignore of the Birding Code of Ethics.  This bird is out of its range and harassment will affect its ability to survive. If you are out at the site remind everyone that crosses the line.

Yet again,  common sense has disappeared to the detriment of a rare bird.  If you are out at the site remind those that cross the line. Don’t be shy to voice your concerns!

Good birding,

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