Ben and I spent the day birding various sites along Hwy. 60. Overall, an interesting day but numbers low. We did have 3 Spruce Grouse, 1 male at Spruce Bog Trail and 2 along Mizzy Lake Trail along with 1 Boreal Chickadee. There were 2 Gray Jays observed at mile marker 54 by a group from Kingston. The warbler variety was low but we did have Black & White, Nashville, Pine, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat and lots of Yellow-rumped Warbler. At the Old Airfield there were a few birds including American Pipit, Vesper Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow and a couple of Evening Grosbeaks flew over. Along Hwy. 60 we observed 6 Moose. 
A Moose along Hwy. 60, looking for directions?
A number of Ruffed Grouse were observed increasing one drumming.
A male Spruce Grouse along Spruce Bog Trail was very tame.
A female Spruce Grouse quietly walks along a trail. Again very tame.
Another male shows off to us along Mizzy Lake Trail.
Usually more difficult to see as they skulk in a cattail marsh, this Swamp Sparrow fed in the open along one of the trails. 
We observed at least 7 moose along Hwy. 60.
Ben searching the old airfield on his 14th birthday and hoping for a "lifer". Not this time, maybe at Pelee.
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