Wednesday, May 25, 2011
May 25, 2011 Birding Amherst Island
Hi Everyone
Ben and I spent a good part of today birding Amherst Island. Overall,a good selection of birds including 3 groups of Brant totaling 212 along the south shore, 2 male Blue-winged Warblers in the Owl Woods, and a small selection of shorebirds including 3 Red Knot, 4 Ruddy Turnstone and 5 Short-billed Dowitcher at the east point on the KFN property. Other birds of note included 3 Upland Sandpiper, 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker, 3 Willow Flycatcher and 1 late Rough-legged Hawk.
Good Birding, Bruce and Ben
Directions: Amherst Island: Located 18 km. west of Kingston. Exit off Hwy. 401 at exit 593 (County Rd. 4, Camden East) and drive south to the very end (Millhaven). Turn right on Hwy. 33 and drive 100 metres until you see the sign for the Amherst Island ferry. The ferry (20 minute trip) leaves the mainland on the half hour and leaves the island on the hour. Cost is $9.00 Canadian round trip. There are no gas stations on the island. There are restrooms on the ferry, and at the island ferry dock. The East End K.F.N. property is at the easternmost part of the island on the east side of the Lower Forty Foot Road.
Because of liability issues, visitors to the Kingston Field Naturalists' property at the east end of Amherst Island MUST be accompanied by a KFN member. For KFN contactinformation or how to become a member, please visit ."
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
May 16, 2011 Cool wet morning at Pelee
Rain persisted today with north winds and there was some movement overnight. We arrived at the tip early and observed a small number of land birds, mainly warblers and flycatchers flying in off the lake and landing on the trees near the tip. Some individuals were just clear of the waves as they made there way to land. During an hour we observed 9 species of warblers including Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Canada, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, and Bay-breasted and numerous Least and 1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Unfortunately due to the cool temperatures few insects were around and treetop species were forced to forage at eye or ground level in search of food. I picked up a dead Red-eyed Vireo near the Tram stop which had starved to death. With this cool wet weather there will be a shortage of food for these insect eaters and likely more dead birds. One of the unfortunate aspects of bird migration.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
May 15, 2011 Pelee birding in the rain.
If your going anywhere in the rain birding, rain can be an issue. It took me almost 40 years realize proper rain wear is worth it! The birding was great today despite the rain with most birds low in the vegetation in search of insects. We managed to find 23 species of warblers and had great views of most of them. Also both cuckoos and a Common nighthawk roosting on a tree limb at the point tram stop.

Ron Pittaway and I near the tip at Pelee.
May 14, 2011 Kentucky Warbler excitement @ Pelee!
Another day, another rare warbler, that's birding Pelee during peak spring migration. Today a male Kentucky Warbler was discovered near the tip Tram stop. The bird was singing and very cooperative for a while giving many birders there "lifer" Kentucky Warbler. The bird was sometimes secretive and this skulker had many birders patients almost broken before sitting up in the clear and singing its churry, churry, churry musical notes somewhat similar to a Carolina Wren.
Friday, May 13, 2011
May 13, 2011 Lucky Friday the 13th @Pelee
Another amazing day at Pelee. It started very slow after yesterday's fallout/reverse migration. We arrived at the VC at 5:50a.m. and got the 6:00a.m. tram to the point. Overall very quiet and after a couple of hours I decided to head north in the park. we covered the Blue Heron Trail and seasonal path and finally at sanctuary. The birding started out well but a sudden thunderstorm dampen the birding. Fortunately one of my clients had an umbrella and we were able to keep somewhat dry, 4 of us under one umbrella. Once the rain stopped I headed back to Blue heron and got the van then returned to pick up everyone and made a stop at Pelee wings. This is around noon now and while waiting outside Alan Wormington drove by and stopped to tell about a Bell's Vireo at the tram stop at the point. I phoned fellow birder Bob Cermac who was watching the vireo and ask him to stay with it until I could get out. It had been found early in the morning but unfortunately we didn't hear about it. Next stop the VC parking lot. No tram so I told my clients to wait and I jogged the 2.5 km to the tram stop and meet up with the group watching the bird. I was able to get good views and finally a couple of photos. The tram arrived and everyone got to see it well. Later in the afternoon we saw the female Prairie Warbler near Dunes and were very lucky to see the Kirtland's Warbler later after supper at Pioneer thanks to Sam Barone. My 3rd this May at Pelee. Other birds of note included Prothonotary and Prairie Warbler. A long and exciting day in the park!

A male Prothonotary Warbler along Woodland Trail.

The bird of the day and likely of the month was a Bell's Vireo near the tram stop point near the tip. This vagrant is casual in Canada and there are only a handful of documented records for Ontario. This was new for a few 100 birders who were lucky to see it as it fed in Red Cedars and was very obliging.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
May 12, 2011 Good morning at Pelee with lots of birds and birders.
There were lots of birds and birders at the tip this morning. One of the best days so far with a good variety of warblers and a small reverse migrations with numbers of Baltimore Oriole, Indigo Bunting, and blackbirds flying off the point.

Birders from all over North America and the world flock to Point Pelee every spring to witness the north bound migration and hope to add a few rarities to their list.

Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Redstart and Nashville Warblers kept everyone on their toes!

Birders from all over North America and the world flock to Point Pelee every spring to witness the north bound migration and hope to add a few rarities to their list.

A Grasshopper Sparrow along West Beach was a nice find.
May 11, 2011 Pelee #2 Dickcissel!
Let Ottawa at 6:00am ans started south for Pelee. We made a few stops enroute including Chaffeys Lock where we had 3 Cerulean Warbler, 1 Yellow-throated Vireo along with a number of common species. Our next stop was Presqu'ile where we did a brief check at Beach #1 and observed 100+ Brant flying over Owen point and a Great Egret. Again a quick run through the GTA and arrived at Rondeau 2:45a.m. birding a couple of areas, didn't see the Yellow-throated Warbler and had a late Am. Tree sparrow at the VC feeder. Next stop Blenheim Sewage Lagoon before hearing about a Dickcissel opposite Pelee Wings. Arriving around 5:30pm the male Dickcissel was feeding below the feeders in plain view. A great start to the tour!
The Dickcissel spent enough time below the feeder that over 100+ birders got to enjoy this rare visitor.
May 9, 2011 Heading home.
Birded Pelee for a couple of hours getting Golden-winged Warbler and few other new migrants before starting our 850km drive home via Chaffey's Lock. Got through the Toronto region without a hitch and arrived at Opinicon/ Chaffey's Road around 3:00p.m. and were rewarded with a couple of singing Cerulean Warblers and great views of an adult Broad-winged Hawk perched beside the road at Skycroft.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
May 8, 2011 Great day at Pelee! Kirtland's, Yellow-throated, Kentucky, Hooded, Prothonotary and more!
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