Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 15, 2012 Bald Eagle nesting success.

The Bald Eagles at Shirley's Bay successfully hatched in late April and at least 2 young were observed being feed by the adults on May 4th and again on May 15th. Now we have our first documented breeding record for the Ottawa district. One adult landed at the nest and fed the young pieces of a small fish.

The nesting Bald Eagles now have two young.

Black-crowned Night-Heron and a pair of Wood ducks at Mud Lake. 

The Ovenbird is easier to heard than to see. Fortunately this individual  was not difficult to  locate as it sang .

May 13, 2012 Red-headed Woodpeckers at Constance Bay.

At least one adult Red-headed Woodpecker was present at the "old burn site" at Constance Bay. This is the 11th consecutive year the Red-headed Woodpecker at this site. Hopefully another adult will soon arrive. The majority of the dead trees, mainly popular have now fallen but there are still a number of suitable nesting cavities.  This is still one of the few breeding locations that remain in the Ottawa district. Since June 2002 the woodpeckers have been successful every summer raising a family. 

Directions: Constance Bay: RHWP: From Ottawa travel west bound on Hwy. 417 to the March Rd./Eagleson Road and exit right onto March Rd. Follow to Dunrobin Road and turn right continuing northwest through Woodlawn. At the hill turn right onto Constance Bay Rd following it for approx. 1.5 km. Turn left on Allbirch Road and drive 1.3 km to the " T " intersection. Turn left
on Bishop Davis Drive and then right on Bayview Drive. Follow Bayview Drive to Ritchie St. Turn right and go a short distance to Whistler Rd. Turn left and drive .3 km and watch for a gate on the right. The trail through the burn area is opposite the gate. Parking is limited. Please review the birding code of ethics. 

The Red-headed Woodpeckers are back for the 11th consecutive year. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Loggerhead Shrike banding informatio update April 12, 2012

Of the 5 Loggerhead Shrikes observed on April 12th, 2 had no bands while 3 were colour banded. Out of the 3 colour banded individuals I was able to obtain banding information on two. The first one with left leg- orange over yellow and right leg white over metal/silver was banded in 2010 in the Napanee area while the 2 bird with left leg-green over blue and right leg- blue over metal/silver was banded in 2010-same area. A third bird, I was only able to see part of the band combination. On my next visit I'll try to check band combination again.