Hi Everyone
Spent the past 2 days birding various sites in eastern Ontario. Overall,
lots of activity and migration. Yesterday at the Alfred Lagoon we observed 7
families of Ruddy Duck with 4-9 young, 3 families of Redhead with 3-7 young and
numerous families of American Coot and Common Gallinule. Near the Alfred Bog
there was a flock of 80+ Bobolink and 3 Upland Sandpiper. We checked a number of
the other eastern sewage lagoons and the most productive was the St. Albert
Sewage Lagoon with over 200 shorebirds including 2 adult Stilt Sandpiper and 1
White-rumped Sandpiper. There were 150+ Lesser Yellowlegs,1 juvenile Lesser
Yellowlegs and 3 Black Tern. All birds were in the south east cell due to low
water conditions.
At the Amherstview S.L. west of Kingston 9 adult Stilt Sandpiper, 2
juvenile Wilson's Phalarope, 1 adult Short-billed Dowitcher were observed along
with numerous Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper and Semipalmated Sandpiper.
Today at Presqu'ile we observed 1 adult Baird's Sandpiper and a juvenile
Peregrine Falcon at Owen Point.
Good Birding, Bruce
Directions: From the town of Alfred go east on Highway 17, then turn south
on Peat Moss Road and drive for 2 km. The lagoons are on your left (east side of
road). The birds are best observed from the viewing tower. Access to the viewing
tower is free and no permit is needed
Directions: From Ottawa take
Hwy. 417 east to exit 66 and go south on St. Albert Road. Proceed
around a large corner where the road becomes Cty Rd 7.After passing through
St.Albert watch for the sign for the lagoon on the south side of the road,
opposite house #1664.
Directions: Courtesy Fred Helleiner: To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park,
follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the Park are shown on a map at
the back of a tabloid that is available at the Park gate. Access to the offshore
islands is restricted at this time of year to prevent disturbance to the
colonial nesting birds there. Birders are encouraged to record their
observations on the bird sightings board provided near the campground.
Directions: Amherstview Sewage Lagoon: From Hwy. 401 take exit 599 (County
Rd. 6, Odessa) south on County Rd. 6 to Taylor-Kidd Blvd. Turn left (east) on
Taylor-Kidd and drive approx. 1 km watching for a lane on your right after
crossing railway overpass. This is the entrance to the lagoon. If you're coming
from Amherst Island, drive east on Hwy 33 approx. 9 km. and then turn left on
County Rd 6. Continue north about 1.5 km and turn right (east) onto Taylor-Kidd
Blvd. MUST be accompanied by a KFN member. For KFN contact information or how
to become a member, please visit http://kingstonfieldnaturalists.org/ ."
Chipping Sparrows |
Stilt Sandpiper feeding. |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at Owen Point. |
Juvenile Black Tern at St. Albert |
Lots of shorebird activity at St.Albert. |
Stilt Sandpiper in flight. |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Adult Pectoral Sandpiper at Amherstview Sewage Lagoon. |
Adult Solitary Sandpiper at Embrun Sewage Lagoon. |
Cedar Waxwing displays. |
A young Gray Catbird. |
Killdeer in flight. |
A juvenile Peregrine Falcon was a surprise at Presqu'ile. |
Yellow Warblers are now migrating south in numbers throughout eastern Ontario. |