Hi Everyone
Today, September 30th, Ben and I spent the morning birding various sites in Renfrew County including Lake Dore, Westmeath Provincial Park and Pembroke. Overall a good morning despite the intermittent rain. Our first stop was at Pembroke Marina where we observed the juvenile Parasitic Jaeger. We first saw the jaeger as it was in hot pursuit of a Belted Kingfisher over the marina. The jaeger spent most of its time sitting on sand flats at the mouth of Muskrat River/Ottawa River. We also observed 5 American Golden-Plover. Along the Ottawa River shoreline at Westmeath Provincial Park were found a juvenile Hudsonian Godwit feeding in a flock of 35 Black-bellied Plover, 1 American Golden-Plover, 1 Baird's Sandpiper, 6 Semipalmated Plover, 3 Greater Yellowlegs and 3 Dunlin. After searching the shoreline vegetation for a while we managed to see 2 Nelson's Sparrow. Later, at Lake Dore we counted 85+ Common Loon, 14 Red-necked Grebe, 50+ Horned Grebe, and 75+ Bonaparte's Gull. Good birding, Bruce and Ben
Directions: Lake Dore is located off Hwy 41 near Eganville/Golden Lake. Pembroke Marina is located in the town of Pembroke at the end of Albert St. Westmeath Provincial Park acess point is at the end of Sand Point Road off CR 12. Walk along shoreline for 1-2 kms south. If you require additional information, please email me privately.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
September 25 & 26, 2011 Long-billed Dowitcher and Great Egrets
Another big change in fall migration over the past week with more water birds on there way south. On September 26th while birding at Shirley's Bay I have a flock of 7 White-winged Scoter, 3 Redhead, 1 Snow Goose and good numbers of American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged Teal, Gadwall, 3 Red-necked Grebe, 2 Horned Grebe and 180+ Wood Duck! I also counted 28 Great Egret both coming into roost on Sept. 25th and leaving the site the following morning. With the numbers we are getting nowadays, they we likely be breeding in the very near future, maybe next spring. It's amazing to think the first record for the Ottawa district was in August 1972. On September 24th I observed a juvenile Long-billed Dowitcher at Shirley's Bay and also found another one the following day at Richmond Lagoon. This is a rare but almost annual fall migrant and the first documented record for the Ottawa district was back in September 1971, at Shirley's Bay! I also had a pair of Bald Eagles during the week at Shirley's Bay. It is interesting to note that they built a nest last April/May at Shirley's Bay but didn't use it. I've watched them sit in it, roost in the tree regularly so maybe next year they will breed. I'm not a ware of any breeding records for the Ottawa district. So many changes to the Ottawa district birds in the past 40 years!
On September 25th, I came across a field of sunflowers that had not been harvested. It was amazing to watch all the birds that were feeding on the sunflower seeds. I counted over 200+ American Goldfinch, 20+ Blue Jay, 100+ Mourning Dove, 1 White-breasted Nuthatch, and 50+ European Starling, an amazing spectacle! Who needs a feeder when you have a field of Sunflowers!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
September 25, 2011 Photo Quiz!
I haven't had a photo quiz for quite sometime, so I'm starting it up again. An easy one today and a more difficult one later!
good luck, Bruce

good luck, Bruce

Who am I?
September 23, 2011 Winter Finch Forecast 2011-2012
by Ron Pittaway
This winter’s theme is that cone crops are excellent and extensive across
much of the boreal forest and the Northeast. It will not be a flight year.
Finches will be spread thinly over a vast area from western Canada east
across the Hudson Bay Lowlands into Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces, New
York and New England States. White-winged and Red Crossbills and Pine
Siskins should be widespread in low numbers. A small movement of Pine
Grosbeaks is probable because mountain-ash berry crops are variable and some
are of poor quality in the boreal forest. Evening Grosbeak numbers are
increasing as spruce budworm outbreaks expand in the boreal forest so some
may show up at feeders in southern Ontario and the Northeast. Redpolls are
unlikely to come south because the dwarf birch crop is bumper in the Hudson
Bay Lowlands. See individual finch forecasts below for details. Three
irruptive non‐finch passerines are also discussed.
PINE GROSBEAK: Small numbers are likely in southern Ontario because the
mountain‐ash berry crop is variable with some poor quality crops in the
boreal forest of Ontario. The crop is generally very good to excellent in
Atlantic Canada, New York and New England. Pine Grosbeaks wandering to
southern Ontario will find average berry crops on European mountain‐ash,
good crops on Buckthorn and average crops on ornamental crabapples. Expect a
few at sunflower seed feeders.
PURPLE FINCH: Purple Finches will be uncommon in Ontario, but probably in
higher numbers in Atlantic Canada, New York and New England where cone crops
are excellent. A few may frequent feeders in southern Ontario. The Purple
Finch has declined significantly in recent decades. Some suggest it declined
due to competition with the House Finch. However, the drop in numbers began
before House Finches were common in eastern North America and also occurred
where House Finches were absent. A better explanation for the decrease is
the absence of large spruce budworm outbreaks that probably sustained higher
Purple Finch populations in the past.
RED CROSSBILL: Red Crossbills should be widespread in Ontario in very small
numbers, but much more frequent in the Northeast where cone crops are
excellent. This crossbill comprises at least 10 “call types” in North
America. Some types may be separate species. Most types are almost
impossible to identify without recordings of their “flight calls”.
Recordings can be made using your iPhone. Send recordings to be identified
to Matt Young (may6 at cornell dot edu) at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Most Red Crossbill types in winter prefer pines, but they also use
introduced spruces and European larch. The smallest‐billed Type 3 prefers
the small soft cones of hemlock and white spruce. It may occur in the
Northeast this winter drawn to the excellent crops on hemlock and white
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL: Good numbers of White‐winged Crossbills are
currently widespread in the Hudson Bay Lowlands where the white and black
spruce cone crops are bumper. They may remain there this winter or some
could wander to the Northeast where spruce and hemlock cone crops are
excellent. A few should be in traditional areas such as Algonquin Park where
spruce and hemlock cone crops are better than last winter. Unlike the Red
Crossbill, the White‐winged Crossbill in North America has no subspecies
and call types.
COMMON and HOARY REDPOLLS: Redpolls in winter are a birch seed specialist
and movements are linked to the size of the birch crop. Redpolls are
unlikely to come south in numbers this winter because the dwarf birch crop
is bumper in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Those that wander south of the boreal
forest will be stopped by a fair to good seed crop on white and yellow
birches in the mixed coniferous/deciduous forest region north of Lake
PINE SISKIN: The nomadic siskin is a spruce seed specialist. There are
currently large numbers of siskins in Yukon including a high proportion of
hatch year birds. They will move because the spruce crop is average in Yukon
and Alaska this year, possibly coming to the East. Siskins are expected to
be widespread across Ontario this winter. Good numbers are likely to be
drawn to the excellent spruce and hemlock crops in Atlantic Canada, New York
and New England.
EVENING GROSBEAK: We can expect another good showing at feeders similar to
last winter in central Ontario and probably elsewhere in the Northeast.
Highest breeding densities are found in areas with spruce budworm outbreaks.
Grosbeak numbers are increasing as spruce budworm outbreaks expand in
Ontario and Quebec. However, current populations are still much lower than
several decades ago when budworm outbreaks were widespread and extensive.
THREE IRRUPTIVE PASSERINES: Movements of these species are often linked to
the boreal finches.
BLUE JAY: There will be a moderate flight, much smaller than last year,
along the north shorelines of Lakes Ontario and Erie. Hazelnut crops were
average. Beechnut crops were fair to good. Acorn crops were poor or spotty
north of Lake Ontario, but with some good acorn crops in the deciduous
forest region (Carolinian Zone) of southwestern Ontario.
RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH: This nuthatch is a conifer seed specialist when it
winters in the north and its movements are triggered by the same crops as
some of the boreal finches. There has been very little southward movement
indicating that this nuthatch will winter in areas with heavy cone crops
such as the boreal forest, Quebec, Atlantic Canada, New York and New
BOHEMIAN WAXWING: The mountain‐ash berry crop is generally good but
variable and some crops are of poor quality in the boreal forest. Expect to
see some Bohemians in traditional areas of southern Ontario such as Orillia,
Peterborough and Ottawa where European mountain‐ash berries, Buckthorn
berries and small ornamental crabapples are available. Bohemian Waxwings
have increased in frequency and numbers as a winter visitor to the
Northeast. It now occurs commonly in some winters on the island of
Newfoundland where it was unrecorded by Peters and Burleigh (1951) in The
Birds of Newfoundland.
WHERE TO SEE FINCHES: Algonquin Park is always an adventure about a three
hour drive north of Toronto. Cone and birch seed crops are generally
average, but much better than last winter. There are some good crops on
pine, spruce, balsam fir and hemlock, but they are spotty. The cone crop on
white cedar is bumper like elsewhere in Ontario. Feeders at the Visitor
Centre should have Pine and Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Siskins and Gray Jays.
Sometimes Pine Martens and Fishers feed on suet and sunflower seeds. A
panoramic observation deck overlooks a spectacular boreal muskeg. Eastern
Wolves (Canis lycaon), a recently recognized new species, are seen
occasionally from the observation deck feeding on road‐killed Moose put out
by park staff. The Visitor Centre and restaurant at km 43 are open weekends
in winter. Arrangements can be made to view feeders on weekdays by calling
613‐637‐2828. The Spruce Bog Trail at km 42.5 near the Visitor Centre and
the gate area along the Opeongo Road are the good spots for finches, Gray
Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Spruce Grouse and Black‐backed Woodpecker. Lastly,
inquire about the Birds of Algonquin Park by Ron Tozer published by The
Friends of Algonquin Park. It is expected out early in 2012.
WINTER FINCH BASICS: I wrote this article in 1998 but it still should
interest birders learning the basics about winter finches, seed crops and
irruptions. From OFO News 16(1):5-7, 1998.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I thank staff of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
from across the province designated by an asterisk* and others whose reports
allow me to make annual forecasts: Dennis Barry (Durham Region), Eleanor
Beagan (Prince Edward Island), Peter Burke (James Bay), Pascal Cote
(Tadoussac Bird Observatory, Quebec), Samuel Denault (Monts‐Pyramides,
Quebec), Andre Desrochers, (Laurentian Plateau, Quebec), Bruce Di Labio
(Eastern Ontario), Carolle Eady (Dryden), Cameron Eckert (Yukon), Francois
Gagnon (Reservoir Gouin and Chibougamau, Quebec), Marcel Gahbauer (Alberta),
Michel Gosselin (Canadian Museum of Nature), David Govatski (New Hampshire),
Charity Hendry* (Ontario Tree Seed Facility), Leo Heyens* (Kenora), Tyler
Hoar (northern Ontario), Eric Howe*, Jean Iron (Northeastern Ontario and
James Bay), Bruce Mactavish (Newfoundland), Andree Morneault* (Nipissing),
Brian Naylor* (Nipissing), Ian Newton (England), Martyn Obbard*, Stephen
O'Donnell (Parry Sound District), Justin Peter* (Algonquin Park), Fred
Pinto* (North Bay), Brenda Schmidt (Creighton, Saskatchewan), Don
Sutherland* (Northern Ontario), Ron Tozer (Algonquin Park), Declan Troy
(Alaska), Mike Turner* (Haliburton Highlands), John Woodcock (Thunder Cape
Bird Observatory), and Matt Young of The Cornell Lab of Ornithology provided
detailed information about seed crops in New York State. I thank Jean Iron
for proofing the forecast and making many helpful comments.
Ron Pittaway
Ontario Field Ornithologists
Minden, Ontario
23 September 2011
by Ron Pittaway
This winter’s theme is that cone crops are excellent and extensive across
much of the boreal forest and the Northeast. It will not be a flight year.
Finches will be spread thinly over a vast area from western Canada east
across the Hudson Bay Lowlands into Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces, New
York and New England States. White-winged and Red Crossbills and Pine
Siskins should be widespread in low numbers. A small movement of Pine
Grosbeaks is probable because mountain-ash berry crops are variable and some
are of poor quality in the boreal forest. Evening Grosbeak numbers are
increasing as spruce budworm outbreaks expand in the boreal forest so some
may show up at feeders in southern Ontario and the Northeast. Redpolls are
unlikely to come south because the dwarf birch crop is bumper in the Hudson
Bay Lowlands. See individual finch forecasts below for details. Three
irruptive non‐finch passerines are also discussed.
PINE GROSBEAK: Small numbers are likely in southern Ontario because the
mountain‐ash berry crop is variable with some poor quality crops in the
boreal forest of Ontario. The crop is generally very good to excellent in
Atlantic Canada, New York and New England. Pine Grosbeaks wandering to
southern Ontario will find average berry crops on European mountain‐ash,
good crops on Buckthorn and average crops on ornamental crabapples. Expect a
few at sunflower seed feeders.
PURPLE FINCH: Purple Finches will be uncommon in Ontario, but probably in
higher numbers in Atlantic Canada, New York and New England where cone crops
are excellent. A few may frequent feeders in southern Ontario. The Purple
Finch has declined significantly in recent decades. Some suggest it declined
due to competition with the House Finch. However, the drop in numbers began
before House Finches were common in eastern North America and also occurred
where House Finches were absent. A better explanation for the decrease is
the absence of large spruce budworm outbreaks that probably sustained higher
Purple Finch populations in the past.
RED CROSSBILL: Red Crossbills should be widespread in Ontario in very small
numbers, but much more frequent in the Northeast where cone crops are
excellent. This crossbill comprises at least 10 “call types” in North
America. Some types may be separate species. Most types are almost
impossible to identify without recordings of their “flight calls”.
Recordings can be made using your iPhone. Send recordings to be identified
to Matt Young (may6 at cornell dot edu) at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Most Red Crossbill types in winter prefer pines, but they also use
introduced spruces and European larch. The smallest‐billed Type 3 prefers
the small soft cones of hemlock and white spruce. It may occur in the
Northeast this winter drawn to the excellent crops on hemlock and white
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL: Good numbers of White‐winged Crossbills are
currently widespread in the Hudson Bay Lowlands where the white and black
spruce cone crops are bumper. They may remain there this winter or some
could wander to the Northeast where spruce and hemlock cone crops are
excellent. A few should be in traditional areas such as Algonquin Park where
spruce and hemlock cone crops are better than last winter. Unlike the Red
Crossbill, the White‐winged Crossbill in North America has no subspecies
and call types.
COMMON and HOARY REDPOLLS: Redpolls in winter are a birch seed specialist
and movements are linked to the size of the birch crop. Redpolls are
unlikely to come south in numbers this winter because the dwarf birch crop
is bumper in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Those that wander south of the boreal
forest will be stopped by a fair to good seed crop on white and yellow
birches in the mixed coniferous/deciduous forest region north of Lake
PINE SISKIN: The nomadic siskin is a spruce seed specialist. There are
currently large numbers of siskins in Yukon including a high proportion of
hatch year birds. They will move because the spruce crop is average in Yukon
and Alaska this year, possibly coming to the East. Siskins are expected to
be widespread across Ontario this winter. Good numbers are likely to be
drawn to the excellent spruce and hemlock crops in Atlantic Canada, New York
and New England.
EVENING GROSBEAK: We can expect another good showing at feeders similar to
last winter in central Ontario and probably elsewhere in the Northeast.
Highest breeding densities are found in areas with spruce budworm outbreaks.
Grosbeak numbers are increasing as spruce budworm outbreaks expand in
Ontario and Quebec. However, current populations are still much lower than
several decades ago when budworm outbreaks were widespread and extensive.
THREE IRRUPTIVE PASSERINES: Movements of these species are often linked to
the boreal finches.
BLUE JAY: There will be a moderate flight, much smaller than last year,
along the north shorelines of Lakes Ontario and Erie. Hazelnut crops were
average. Beechnut crops were fair to good. Acorn crops were poor or spotty
north of Lake Ontario, but with some good acorn crops in the deciduous
forest region (Carolinian Zone) of southwestern Ontario.
RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH: This nuthatch is a conifer seed specialist when it
winters in the north and its movements are triggered by the same crops as
some of the boreal finches. There has been very little southward movement
indicating that this nuthatch will winter in areas with heavy cone crops
such as the boreal forest, Quebec, Atlantic Canada, New York and New
BOHEMIAN WAXWING: The mountain‐ash berry crop is generally good but
variable and some crops are of poor quality in the boreal forest. Expect to
see some Bohemians in traditional areas of southern Ontario such as Orillia,
Peterborough and Ottawa where European mountain‐ash berries, Buckthorn
berries and small ornamental crabapples are available. Bohemian Waxwings
have increased in frequency and numbers as a winter visitor to the
Northeast. It now occurs commonly in some winters on the island of
Newfoundland where it was unrecorded by Peters and Burleigh (1951) in The
Birds of Newfoundland.
WHERE TO SEE FINCHES: Algonquin Park is always an adventure about a three
hour drive north of Toronto. Cone and birch seed crops are generally
average, but much better than last winter. There are some good crops on
pine, spruce, balsam fir and hemlock, but they are spotty. The cone crop on
white cedar is bumper like elsewhere in Ontario. Feeders at the Visitor
Centre should have Pine and Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Siskins and Gray Jays.
Sometimes Pine Martens and Fishers feed on suet and sunflower seeds. A
panoramic observation deck overlooks a spectacular boreal muskeg. Eastern
Wolves (Canis lycaon), a recently recognized new species, are seen
occasionally from the observation deck feeding on road‐killed Moose put out
by park staff. The Visitor Centre and restaurant at km 43 are open weekends
in winter. Arrangements can be made to view feeders on weekdays by calling
613‐637‐2828. The Spruce Bog Trail at km 42.5 near the Visitor Centre and
the gate area along the Opeongo Road are the good spots for finches, Gray
Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Spruce Grouse and Black‐backed Woodpecker. Lastly,
inquire about the Birds of Algonquin Park by Ron Tozer published by The
Friends of Algonquin Park. It is expected out early in 2012.
WINTER FINCH BASICS: I wrote this article in 1998 but it still should
interest birders learning the basics about winter finches, seed crops and
irruptions. From OFO News 16(1):5-7, 1998.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I thank staff of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
from across the province designated by an asterisk* and others whose reports
allow me to make annual forecasts: Dennis Barry (Durham Region), Eleanor
Beagan (Prince Edward Island), Peter Burke (James Bay), Pascal Cote
(Tadoussac Bird Observatory, Quebec), Samuel Denault (Monts‐Pyramides,
Quebec), Andre Desrochers, (Laurentian Plateau, Quebec), Bruce Di Labio
(Eastern Ontario), Carolle Eady (Dryden), Cameron Eckert (Yukon), Francois
Gagnon (Reservoir Gouin and Chibougamau, Quebec), Marcel Gahbauer (Alberta),
Michel Gosselin (Canadian Museum of Nature), David Govatski (New Hampshire),
Charity Hendry* (Ontario Tree Seed Facility), Leo Heyens* (Kenora), Tyler
Hoar (northern Ontario), Eric Howe*, Jean Iron (Northeastern Ontario and
James Bay), Bruce Mactavish (Newfoundland), Andree Morneault* (Nipissing),
Brian Naylor* (Nipissing), Ian Newton (England), Martyn Obbard*, Stephen
O'Donnell (Parry Sound District), Justin Peter* (Algonquin Park), Fred
Pinto* (North Bay), Brenda Schmidt (Creighton, Saskatchewan), Don
Sutherland* (Northern Ontario), Ron Tozer (Algonquin Park), Declan Troy
(Alaska), Mike Turner* (Haliburton Highlands), John Woodcock (Thunder Cape
Bird Observatory), and Matt Young of The Cornell Lab of Ornithology provided
detailed information about seed crops in New York State. I thank Jean Iron
for proofing the forecast and making many helpful comments.
Ron Pittaway
Ontario Field Ornithologists
Minden, Ontario
23 September 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
September 21-22, 2011 Local Birding
Yesterday, September 21st, I visited Deschenes Rapids at dusk and counted 9 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 87 Great Black-backed Gulls and 1 American Golden-Plover flew by but no Sabine's Gull was found. Likely, it had already gone to roost for the night. There were over 200+ Double-crested Cormorants in the area and interestingly one with white legs bands. Due to the distance I couldn't read any numbers or letters but the band stood out.
Today along the Ottawa River from Remic Rapids to Andrew Haydon Park the water level has dropped again but few shorebirds. The longest staying SABINE'S GULL was still present at Deschenes Rapids. The last time a SABINE'S GULL stayed for more than 24 hours was back in September 1974 when 1 was observed off Aylmer and Shirley's Bay for almost a week. It was spending most of its time on the Ontario side of the river feeding on emerging insect larva along with a couple of Bonaparte's Gulls, one adult in winter plumage and a juvenile. They were pecking at the surface of the water picking up something very small. I also noticed Sabine's Gull and Mallards doing the same feeding style.
Today along the Ottawa River from Remic Rapids to Andrew Haydon Park the water level has dropped again but few shorebirds. The longest staying SABINE'S GULL was still present at Deschenes Rapids. The last time a SABINE'S GULL stayed for more than 24 hours was back in September 1974 when 1 was observed off Aylmer and Shirley's Bay for almost a week. It was spending most of its time on the Ontario side of the river feeding on emerging insect larva along with a couple of Bonaparte's Gulls, one adult in winter plumage and a juvenile. They were pecking at the surface of the water picking up something very small. I also noticed Sabine's Gull and Mallards doing the same feeding style.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
September 19-20, 2011 Sabine's Gulls at Deschenes Rapids
Hi Everyone
This morning, September 19th, at 10:00am, the juv. Sabine's Gull continues to feed below Deschenes Rapids spending most of its time on the Quebec side near the cement structure. It can be viewed from Britannia Point or Deschenes Lookout along the Ottawa River Parkway. The best viewing is from below Deschenes Rapids where it is feeding with a Bonaparte's Gull 20 metres from the shore.
This evening Ben and I birded the Deschenes Rapids from 5:50pm to 7:15pm and observed 2 juv. Sabine's Gulls. A lifer for Ben. One was feeding below the rapids while a second bird flew west past us at 6:50pm. We stayed till dusk and counted 16 Lesser black-backed Gulls (various ages) and 76 Great Black-backed Gulls roosting on the exposed rock flats. Also observed 2 Peregrine Falcons.
Good birding, Bruce
Directions: Deschenes Lookout is located along the Ottawa River Parkway. Britannia Point is accessible from Britannia Water Filtration Plant Deschenes Rapids: Take Champlain Bridge north and turn west on Lucerne Blvd.. Follow to Vanier Road and turn left and then right on Martel. Park at end on right and walk down trail to rapids.

The Sabine's Gull is a irregular rare fall visitor to eastern Ontario. It usually occurs every 2 or 3 years somewhere in eastern Ontario. It has been found a number of times at Lake Dore, Moses-Saunders Power Dam at Cornwall, Amherst Island, Prince Edward Point and Presqu'ile. Most records are from late August to late October and there are a couple of December records. The majority of observations are of juvenile plumage birds but there are at least 2 records of molting adults in October from Moses-Saunders Power Dam.

Since first discovered in Ottawa in November 1971 the Lesser Black-backed Gull is now a regular fall migrant. It occurs in small numbers from mid August to mid December with peak numbers during mid September to mid October. Note: 2 adult LBBG and 1 1st year on left.

At 6:50pm a second juvenile Sabine's Gull flew by Ben and I heading west up river. Note the distinctive "M" wing pattern.

This morning, September 19th, at 10:00am, the juv. Sabine's Gull continues to feed below Deschenes Rapids spending most of its time on the Quebec side near the cement structure. It can be viewed from Britannia Point or Deschenes Lookout along the Ottawa River Parkway. The best viewing is from below Deschenes Rapids where it is feeding with a Bonaparte's Gull 20 metres from the shore.
This evening Ben and I birded the Deschenes Rapids from 5:50pm to 7:15pm and observed 2 juv. Sabine's Gulls. A lifer for Ben. One was feeding below the rapids while a second bird flew west past us at 6:50pm. We stayed till dusk and counted 16 Lesser black-backed Gulls (various ages) and 76 Great Black-backed Gulls roosting on the exposed rock flats. Also observed 2 Peregrine Falcons.
Good birding, Bruce
Directions: Deschenes Lookout is located along the Ottawa River Parkway. Britannia Point is accessible from Britannia Water Filtration Plant Deschenes Rapids: Take Champlain Bridge north and turn west on Lucerne Blvd.. Follow to Vanier Road and turn left and then right on Martel. Park at end on right and walk down trail to rapids.

The Sabine's Gull is a irregular rare fall visitor to eastern Ontario. It usually occurs every 2 or 3 years somewhere in eastern Ontario. It has been found a number of times at Lake Dore, Moses-Saunders Power Dam at Cornwall, Amherst Island, Prince Edward Point and Presqu'ile. Most records are from late August to late October and there are a couple of December records. The majority of observations are of juvenile plumage birds but there are at least 2 records of molting adults in October from Moses-Saunders Power Dam.

The Sabine's Gull below Deschenes Rapids on the Quebec side.
The Great Black-backed Gull is a regular fall migrant and numbers can reach 1000+ during November and December.

Since first discovered in Ottawa in November 1971 the Lesser Black-backed Gull is now a regular fall migrant. It occurs in small numbers from mid August to mid December with peak numbers during mid September to mid October. Note: 2 adult LBBG and 1 1st year on left.

At 6:50pm a second juvenile Sabine's Gull flew by Ben and I heading west up river. Note the distinctive "M" wing pattern.

Juvenile Sabine's and Bonaparte's Gull flying together.

It is easiest to spot in flight with its conspicuous wing pattern.
Friday, September 16, 2011
September 16, 2011 Pelee Birding
Hi Ontbirders,
The birding today at Point Pelee National Park was very active and while scouting for the upcoming OFO Convention we managed to see 17 species of warblers including 2 Wilson's, 40+ Blackpoll, 15+ Nashville,10+ Magnolia, and 3 Tennessee Warblers. Other species of note included 2 White-eyed Vireo, 3 Blue-headed Vireo, 3 Philadelphia Vireo, 8 Red-eyed Vireo, 12 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 1 Red-headed Woodpecker, and 7 Gray-cheeked Thrush. A small number of American Golden-Plover and Black-bellied Plover were in the onions fields.
Good birding, Bruce, Ben, Todd and Dave

Blackpoll Warbler was one of the most common warbler at Pelee. We observed 30+ foraging in the backyard area while we were having dinner at Paula's Fish Place Restaurant just outside Point Pelee National Park.

The birding today at Point Pelee National Park was very active and while scouting for the upcoming OFO Convention we managed to see 17 species of warblers including 2 Wilson's, 40+ Blackpoll, 15+ Nashville,10+ Magnolia, and 3 Tennessee Warblers. Other species of note included 2 White-eyed Vireo, 3 Blue-headed Vireo, 3 Philadelphia Vireo, 8 Red-eyed Vireo, 12 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 1 Red-headed Woodpecker, and 7 Gray-cheeked Thrush. A small number of American Golden-Plover and Black-bellied Plover were in the onions fields.
Good birding, Bruce, Ben, Todd and Dave

Blackpoll Warbler was one of the most common warbler at Pelee. We observed 30+ foraging in the backyard area while we were having dinner at Paula's Fish Place Restaurant just outside Point Pelee National Park.

The American Redstart responded to pishing and squeaking well.
September 15, 2011 Presqu'ile: Gull Island
The shorebird watching continues to be good at Presqu'ile Provincial Park. Today, with access to Gull Island now open since September 11th, we waded across with no problem. The water was a little cool and on our return an hour later, the winds had picked up and the waves were lapping at our knees. Lots of shorebirds including 70 Sanderling, 4 Ruddy Turnstone, 1 American Golden-Plover, 5 Baird's Sandpiper, and 8 White-rumped Sandpiper. On Popham Bay we counted 26 Horned Grebe, along with small flocks of Red-breasted Merganser and Greater Scaup.
Good birding, Bruce
Directions: To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid that is available at the Park gate. Access to the offshore islands is restricted until after September 10 to prevent disturbance to the colonial nesting birds there. Visitors to Gull Island not using a boat should be prepared to wade through water of varying depth (said to be over the knees in calm water) in which there is often a swift current and a substrate that is somewhat uneven and slippery. Birders are encouraged to record their observations on the bird sightings board provided by The Friends of Presqu'ile Park and to fill out a rare bird report for species not listed there.
Good birding, Bruce
Directions: To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid that is available at the Park gate. Access to the offshore islands is restricted until after September 10 to prevent disturbance to the colonial nesting birds there. Visitors to Gull Island not using a boat should be prepared to wade through water of varying depth (said to be over the knees in calm water) in which there is often a swift current and a substrate that is somewhat uneven and slippery. Birders are encouraged to record their observations on the bird sightings board provided by The Friends of Presqu'ile Park and to fill out a rare bird report for species not listed there.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
September 14, 2011 Early morning birding at Shirley's Bay.
Its been a long time since I've birding Shirley's Bay pre-dawn. Arriving at the boat launch parking lot at 5:45a.m the sounds of migration consumed me. Swainson's Thrushes overhead giving their distinctive "spring peeper" nocturnal call note, Killdeer calling along the shoreline and the familiar Canada Goose honking, while a distant Great Horned Howl was hooting. Despite being partly cloudy, the full moon illuminated the sky.
I collected the necessary equipment out of my trunk to do a dawn Great Egret count. This included a spotting scope, binoculars, camera, and note pad. I would be recording arrival times, direction and time for any Great Egrets arriving in the Shirley's Bay area. This was part of a project studying the expansion of Great Egret in southern Ontario. In the Ottawa-Gatineau district there has been a major increase in the number of Great Egrets over the past decade. It's amazing how this population has flourished in our area. The first record for our district was in August 1972 and last September, Ben and I counted 33 roosting at Shirley's Bay. Last fall, there were two roost sites used, one at Conroy Island, Deschenes Rapids and the second at Shirley's Bay. Deschenes Rapids is the site where Ring-billed Gulls started nesting in the early 90's and by the mid 00's both Double-crested Cormorant and Black-crowned Night-Heron were discovered breeding. It is only a matter of time before the Great Egret will be found breeding in the Ottawa-Gatineau district. This summer, the Great Egret was discovered breeding for the first time in the Kingston district. Their range is definitely expanding!
Now back to my 5:45 a.m walk. As I make my way to the causeway I could hear a Great horned Owl calling and then a young started to call, giving a loud rasping call, maybe still begging for food. At the dyke, Canada Geese were calling and many of the ducks, mainly Mallards and a small number of Green-winged Teal could be heard. Once I reached my viewing area, a few 100 metres down the dyke, I positioned my scope and quickly scanned the marsh.
6:15 a.m.-Though still dark, I could make out a number of species but no egrets yet. To the east an orange hue cascaded over the sky as the sun began to peak through the horizon. Over Lake Deschenes, hundreds of gulls began to take flight and head inland. After roosting overnight Canada Geese, Mallards, Green-winged Teal began to take flight in small groups while a number of shorebird species started calling, either arriving after a long flight or looking for a feeding area. It was an amazing experience.
Over the years, I've birded in a variety of conditions-recreational, educational and competitive, but this experience was different. This time I had the time to enjoy the solitude and most important, absorbed the moment. In our fast paced life, moments like this overwhelm the senses. Take the time to enjoy..
I arrived at the site at 6:00am. There were 2 Great Horned Owls calling and numerous Swainson's Thrush calling overhead. The first egrets weren't seen till 6:38 a.m. Here is the break down:

I collected the necessary equipment out of my trunk to do a dawn Great Egret count. This included a spotting scope, binoculars, camera, and note pad. I would be recording arrival times, direction and time for any Great Egrets arriving in the Shirley's Bay area. This was part of a project studying the expansion of Great Egret in southern Ontario. In the Ottawa-Gatineau district there has been a major increase in the number of Great Egrets over the past decade. It's amazing how this population has flourished in our area. The first record for our district was in August 1972 and last September, Ben and I counted 33 roosting at Shirley's Bay. Last fall, there were two roost sites used, one at Conroy Island, Deschenes Rapids and the second at Shirley's Bay. Deschenes Rapids is the site where Ring-billed Gulls started nesting in the early 90's and by the mid 00's both Double-crested Cormorant and Black-crowned Night-Heron were discovered breeding. It is only a matter of time before the Great Egret will be found breeding in the Ottawa-Gatineau district. This summer, the Great Egret was discovered breeding for the first time in the Kingston district. Their range is definitely expanding!
Now back to my 5:45 a.m walk. As I make my way to the causeway I could hear a Great horned Owl calling and then a young started to call, giving a loud rasping call, maybe still begging for food. At the dyke, Canada Geese were calling and many of the ducks, mainly Mallards and a small number of Green-winged Teal could be heard. Once I reached my viewing area, a few 100 metres down the dyke, I positioned my scope and quickly scanned the marsh.
6:15 a.m.-Though still dark, I could make out a number of species but no egrets yet. To the east an orange hue cascaded over the sky as the sun began to peak through the horizon. Over Lake Deschenes, hundreds of gulls began to take flight and head inland. After roosting overnight Canada Geese, Mallards, Green-winged Teal began to take flight in small groups while a number of shorebird species started calling, either arriving after a long flight or looking for a feeding area. It was an amazing experience.
Over the years, I've birded in a variety of conditions-recreational, educational and competitive, but this experience was different. This time I had the time to enjoy the solitude and most important, absorbed the moment. In our fast paced life, moments like this overwhelm the senses. Take the time to enjoy..
I arrived at the site at 6:00am. There were 2 Great Horned Owls calling and numerous Swainson's Thrush calling overhead. The first egrets weren't seen till 6:38 a.m. Here is the break down:
6:38am: (5) GREG arriving from east
6:39am :(2) GREG arriving from east
6:40am: (1) GREG arriving from east
6:41am: (3) GREG arriving from east
6:43am:(7) GREG arriving from east
6:50am: (2) GREG arriving from east
All 20 GREG landed and there was a feeding frenzy with 21 GBHE, just west of the causeway. The egrets were still feeding when I left the area at 8:00am. Unfortunately due to the distance and water depth I couldn't see any bands.

Sunrise along the Ottawa River
September 13, 2011 More good birds at Presqu'ile
Hi Everyone
The birding at Presqu'ile Provincial Park continues to be excellent. Today at Owen Point we observed a number of shorebirds including 1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper and 1 Western Sandpiper along with a number of Baird's and White-rumped Sandpiper between 9:30 and 11:30am. The breeding plumage Eared Grebe was also present. At 2:15pm we observed a light morph Parasitic Jaeger over Popham Bay. Good birding, Bruce
Directions: To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid that is available at the Park gate.

The juvenile Least Sandpiper is easy to recognize by its reddish brown feather edging and yellowish leg colour.
The birding at Presqu'ile Provincial Park continues to be excellent. Today at Owen Point we observed a number of shorebirds including 1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper and 1 Western Sandpiper along with a number of Baird's and White-rumped Sandpiper between 9:30 and 11:30am. The breeding plumage Eared Grebe was also present. At 2:15pm we observed a light morph Parasitic Jaeger over Popham Bay. Good birding, Bruce
Directions: To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid that is available at the Park gate.

The juvenile Least Sandpiper is easy to recognize by its reddish brown feather edging and yellowish leg colour.
September 10, 2011 Presqu'ile Birding White-faced Ibis and Eared Grebe!
Had a great day birding Presqu'ile Provincial Park. The Saturday's birding trip was for shorebird watching but that changed quickly once a plegadis ibis either Glossy or White-faced was seen flying from Gull Island and landed near Beach #1. This put all of us in high gear from our walk from Owen Point towards Beach #1, with hopes of the ibis being there. After some scanning the ibis was finally found along the shoreline near Beach #1. The lighting was great and we had a close study and could see that the eye colour and facial skin was red , important field marks for telling White-faced Ibis from Glossy Ibis. This is likely the same ibis that has been in the area since July. Before all the excitement started we managed to see the Eared Grebe, still in breeding plumage, off Owen Point.
September 8-14 ,2011 Parasitic Jaeger still present at Andrew Haydon Park.
The juvenile Parasitic Jaeger is still present along the Ottawa River between Dick Bell Park and Britannia Pier. This is the longest stay for any jaeger and if you haven't seen it yet and need it for a lifer or your Ottawa district list don't wait any longer! Most jaeger observations in the Ottawa district are "one day wonders". On Monday morning it was seen from the east entrance of Andrew Haydon Park (the old Ottawa Beach site) as it made several attempts chasing Ring-billed Gulls and tried to force them to drop food. In the afternoon I did see it successfully harass a Ring-billed Gull which finally dropped its food and the jaeger picked it up off the water. Also present is a very tame Red-necked Phalarope that has been spending most of its time feeding in the small bay just east of Ottawa Beach.

Juvenile Parasitic Jaeger in hot pursuit of a Ring-billed Gull.

The Red-necked Phalarope is a rare but regular fall migrant along the Ottawa River.

A quick fly-by as the Parasitic Jaeger heads east towards Britannia Pier.

Juvenile Parasitic Jaeger in hot pursuit of a Ring-billed Gull.

The Red-necked Phalarope is a rare but regular fall migrant along the Ottawa River.
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