If you haven't had an opportunity to do any waterfowl birding at Presqu'ile this spring the conditions are still excellent. Over the weekend we observed 20 species including the 2 male Eurasian Wigeons. There were observed both Mar.26/27 along Bayshore Drive just north of Lilac Lane. Also, in Presqu'ile Bay there were still over 5,000 diving ducks with a nice variety including Redhead, Canvasback, Greater and Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Duck and all 3 mergansers. With the overnight freezing temperatures the number of puddle ducks were up and included Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, Northern Pintail, Gadwall, Mallard and Am. Black Duck. Good Birding, Bruce
Directions: Presqu'ile Provincial Park exit 401 south at exit # 509 follow the signs to the park through Brighton (about 15 minutes). Maps available at the front gate.

Two male Eurasian Wigeon at Presqu'ile Provincial Park.