Today spent a hour birding while driving up to Constance Bay. Overall it was a good run with 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 1 at Constance Bay and the other closer to Kanata. Both woodpeckers are males and were first observed back in December. The Brown Thrasher west of Dunrobin is still doing well and hopefully will make it through the remaining winter and maybe become the first successful overwintering record for the Ottawa Region. In the 150+ Common Redpolls at our feeder today, 1 Hoary Redpoll was present for a while this morning.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
February 24-25, 2011 Birding Amherst Island
The number of hawks and owls on Amherst island continue to drop compared to January. On Feb. 24th and 25th Ben and I covered most of the regular spots on the island and found only a few raptors. Yesterday, we arrived on Amherst late afternoon and managed to find 1 Snowy Owl and 7 Short-eared Owl on the KFN property at the east end. The heavily barred Snowy Owl was perched on a distant Osprey nesting platform and flew a couple of times in persuit of prey. The Short-eared owls were very active calling and hunting over the open field. One was successful in catching a meadow vole. We also had 2 Great horned Owls hooting up a storm near the west end of the island.
Today, enroute from Kingston to Amherst Ben spotted a Barred Owl along Hwy. 33 just north of Taylor-Kidd Road. On the island we covered the "Owl Woods" and found no small owls and only one very tame Long-eared Owl roosting. We spent a couple of hours driving around the island but only found one Red-tailed Hawk.

Today, enroute from Kingston to Amherst Ben spotted a Barred Owl along Hwy. 33 just north of Taylor-Kidd Road. On the island we covered the "Owl Woods" and found no small owls and only one very tame Long-eared Owl roosting. We spent a couple of hours driving around the island but only found one Red-tailed Hawk.

Long-eared Owls can easily blend into the background of a tree.

I detected this individual by the movement of its head as it was looking around.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
February 19-22, 2011 Local birding
Since returning from Ecuador the local birding has been quiet but still lots of Common Redpolls around and moving through the region. In the past 4 days Ben and I have observed both subspecies of Common and Hoary Redpoll at our feeders. The number of redpolls continue to change day to day at the feeders. In general bird activity in on the increase with European Starlings and American Crows showing up in areas that they were absent during the winter months. Even the amount of bird song in is on the increase with Northern Cardinals singing, both Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers drumming and Black-capped Chickadees doing there distinctive whistle. Only another 3 1/2 weeks till spring!

The American Robin is a sign of Spring to many but remember they do overwinter in the Ottawa region.

The American Robin is a sign of Spring to many but remember they do overwinter in the Ottawa region.

My son Ben with a very tame Common Redpoll. A one point, it landed on his head!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
February 14, 2011 Birding Ecuador: Angel Paz Antpitta Reserve
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