Good birding, Bruce and Ben

The diversity of birds continues to change by the day in Churchill. On June 9th, at 5:30 am, we started at the Grain Elevators and had a male Harris’ Sparrow singing and feeding along the railway tracks, 1 male Red-winged Blackbird flying over calling and still plenty of Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur and Horned Lark. Along Goose Creek Road/Hydro Road there was a noticeable increase in the number of waterfowl, shorebirds, and land birds. There were more Northern Waterthrush, Yellow Warbler, Gray-cheeked Thrush, Northern Flicker, and Lincoln’s Sparrow. In The Weir area there were still 4 Red Phalaropes feeding close to the road. At The Pumphouse there was lots of activity including 11 Little Gull, 3 Sabine’s Gull, 2 Redhead, and 1 Parasitic Jaeger. There is still plenty of snow cover and Cape Merry and Twin Lakes is impassable. The Churchill River is frozen except for The Weir area and The Pumphouse but this is changing quickly with more sunshine over the past few days. There are now a few large open leads on Hudson Bay. Best of all, no mosquitoes!
An Arctic Hare enjoying a early morning breakfast.
A male Harris' Sparrow feeding along the railway tracks at the Grain Elevator.
With plenty of ice on the Churchill River, The Weir area was a hot spot for birding.
On June 10th we observed a Clay-coloured Sparrow near Cape Merry, a female Red-winged Blackbird near The Weir entrance, 2 Harris’s Sparrow and 2 Bohemian Waxwing along Goose Creek Road and 2 Trumpeter Swans along Launch Road.
Scanning the frozen Churchill River.
Today, June 11th, the beautiful sunny weather continues in Churchill. Snow is melting quickly, and there is more open water on Hudson Bay and the Churchill River at The Weir and The Pumphouse. There has been a noticeable increase in land birds including, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Orange-crowned Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and White-throated Sparrow.
Pacific Loon taking off along Launch Road.
A roller coaster ride along the spur line.
Snowshoe Hare along Launch Road.
Group of Long-tailed ducks resting on an ice floe.
A drastic change in weather today, June 12, (typical in Churchill) with overcast skies, snow flurries and a -4c wind chill. The birding was good with Goose Creek/Hydro Road being the best area. Unfortunately due to the high water levels the access to The Weir by car is difficult as a section of the road has been washed out but we walked from the entrance to the south. The Marina Road was also flooded. Highlights for June 12th included 2 Ring-necked Duck , 2 Bufflehead, 1 Red-tailed Hawk, 2 Little Gull all along GC/H Rd. Due to the flooding along Goose Creek/Hydro Rd. there is no shorebird habitat but we did observe 2 Red Phalarope swimming at the bridge.
There was a gray/brown morph Gyrfalcon near the old Churchill Dump, 2 Glaucous and 1 Thayer’s Gull and 3 Ross’ and 3 Greater White-fronted Geese.
Today, June 13th, the weather was sunny and +10c. A section of Hydro Road is under water. Not sure if we can drive to The Pumphouse. We managed to checked The Pumphouse early in the morning before flooding and observed 4 Little Gull and 100+ Arctic Tern. I’ve never witnessed this amount of flooding along the road before- resembles two large lake on either sides of the road. Land birds continue to increase in numbers with all regular warblers in. A surprise was a Black and White Warbler along Scrap Metal Dump Road. We walked to The Weir from Goose Creek Road and there were still 11 Red Phalarope. Twin Lake Road is still blocked by a two foot snow drift. The Cape Merry Road still has a few snow drifts so we had to walk in. Along Launch Road a few male Smith’s Longspurs are now on territory.
Rising water levels along Goose Creek/Hydro Road.
A tour group searching for the Ross's Gull at The Weir. Unfortunately none were found so far this season. At one time Churchill was the easiest location to observe Ross's Gull in June but the local population has declined over the past two decades.
The Twin Lakes Road east of Churchill was blocked by snow drifts and wasn't accessible during the tour and finally open by June 22nd.
A male Smith's Longspur along Launch Road.
The unmistakable male Smith's Longspur is always a crowd pleaser!
Flooding along Hydro Road.
Caribou were forced out of the woods due to the flooding.
A group of Surf Scoters along the flooded Hydro Road.
A breeding plumaged White-rumped Sandpiper feeding along the frozen shoreline of Hudson Bay.
A Male Willow Ptarmigan along Launch Road.
Snow Buntings and a White-crowned Sparrow feeding at a local feeder.
Should we?
Today, June 15th, not much change from yesterday but Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur, and both Canada and Snow Goose numbers have dropped the past few days. The flooding along Goose Creek/Hydro Road appears to have peaked and the washouts are being repaired. There were 3 adult Sabine’s Gull and 6 adult Little Gull along with 4 breeding plumage Red Phalarope at The Weir today and 7 male Ring-necked Duck and a pair of Bufflehead near the bridge. The number of Common Eiders and Arctic Terns are increasing daily as the inland ponds and lakes open up. Hudson Bay is still ice covered except for a few large open areas. The Churchill River is still frozen from below The Weir to Cape Merry but a few small open patches are starting to appear off the Grain Elevator. Had a flock of 240+ Ruddy Turnstone flying over Launch Road. There was one Harris’ Sparrow near Cape Merry and two along Goose Creek Road this morning. A few Thayer’s and Glaucous Gull are being seen in town and at the scrap metal dump on Scrap Metal Dump Road. Also, Hoary Redpolls are being seen along Launch Road and at the open section of Coast Road. I had 2 behind the Seaport Hotel this morning. The weather remains cool.
Formerly know as the Oldsquaw, the Long-tailed Duck is a common sight in the Churchill area.
A group of Common Eiders resting on one of the many inland ponds that were finally thawing.
A view of Hudson Bay form near Cape Merry.
As the ponds and small lakes opened up, more Pacific Loons could be found.
Early morning dense fog today, June 16th, made the birding somewhat difficult but the afternoon was good. At The Weir there were 11 breeding plumaged Sabine’s Gulls milling around, 1 adult Little Gull and 1 Red Phalarope. Not much change with the land birds but in general numbers increasing including Lincoln’s, White-throated and Swamp Sparrow. The Churchill River is still frozen except for The Weir area and The Pumphouse. Cape Merry is also frozen and the bay has more large leads opening. Most roads are now open except for Twin Lakes and Cape Merry. You can drive out to the Marina, The Weir road is still washed out and Hydro Road still has a section washed out.
Early morning fog made birding a bit challenging.
A wash out along Hydro Road.
Semipalmated Plover looking for nesting habitat.
This morning, June 17th, had an early start and birded Goose Creek Road at 3:30 a.m. There was lots of bird activity including 1 Alder Flycatcher, 1 Barn Swallow, 1 Three-toed Woodpecker and 1 Boreal Chickadee. The Weir area had 2 Sabine’s Gull along with Red-throated Loon and 3 Ring-necked Duck. Heading back home today. Had a great time birding Manitoba!
Sunrise along Goose Creek Road.
Savannah Sparrows fighting over flooded territory.
The Arctic Tern, a long distance migrant, looking for a nesting site at the Granary Ponds.
An aerial view of the Churchill River on June 17, 2009
Another aerial view showing the flooding along Goose Creek/Hydro Road. The Weir area is on the right side .